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Joe Astuccio


What's a Uses Page?

A /uses page lists a developer's setup, gear, software, and configs (what they use). It's a great reference for those looking to add to their library of tools or reconfigure ones they already use.


  • Visual Studio Code!

    I used SublimeText for years. I switched (in early 2018?) for the ease of installing plugins, built in terminal and Git, awesome community, and massive momentum VS Code has gained.

VS Code themes

I switch back n forth between a couple different themes.



  • Netlify - Coming from Digital Ocean Netlify feels like the next evolution in hosting! ❤️ the simple continuous integration with your Github!! It was interesting learning how to set up a server with D.O. There is so much new Front End Tech it is nice not to have to spend time on Dev Ops 🤷‍♂️

inspired by Wes Bos' and the awesome-uses repository